COŚ SIĘ DZIEJE ??!: BLACK AMBIENT: Heavy culture x Na chasi / PART 2


«BLACK AMBIENT» is a concept of Heavy culture, within which the underground music formation focuses on ambient music with unexpected twists. The first event of this series took place at the same-named stage of the «NA CHASI» festival. As usual, Heavy culture offers a strong lineup of experimental artists.

«NA CHASI» is an event that unites different formations of one community of a newly created NGO called «Tape Weaving Factory». It refers to a place on Nyzhnioyurkivska 31 street, where the club culture of Ukraine was born around 10 years ago.

All the donations from the «BLACK AMBIENT» stage go to different volunteers and organizations in partly occupied Kherson oblast.

You can donate to these accounts:
Privatbank: 5168 7450 2021 3804
Monobank: 4441 1144 1127 8680

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Odmienne Stany: #18(118)


Idę na: festiwale Avant Art i Unsound 2020