Pasmo gościnne: MKWAVE


In the absence of a music industry but strong presence of an enthusiastic musical youth you can often find the most honest and candid music lovers. An awkward limbo, where making music doesn’t pay the bills, but where musicianship always overlaps with friendship – exactly where the Macedonian independent scene is at.

Playlist curated by Sara Bogoeva
Playlist cover by Sara Bogoeva and Andrej Dimovski

  • Lufthansa - На мајка ми и е доста од нас @thelufthansaconspirators
  • Stoj, Posle! - Еден Крал @stojposle
  • Alembic - Alba Verde @aalembik
  • ATA - Мртва Вода, Жива Вода @atakizum
  • Kenopsija - Дигитална ретардација
  • Дерма - О, убавче
  • Vagina Corporation - Goni se @vagina_corporation
  • Divogradba - Svirni tri pati @divogradba
  • Zanadu - Dali veruvash? @zanadu___
  • Xarakiri - Nema da se povtori @_xaraxiri_
  • 21 vek - Nad Avganistan @21vekmkd
  • Peach Vice - Zbor @peach_vice
  • Strog Post - A final turn @strogpost
podobne odcinki


Idę na: Lado w Mieście 2023, odc. 2




Pasmo gościnne: ĆMA BAROWA #2 // KOKTAJL