Paznokciami Po Tablicy: #4 – 2019, vol. 2: the light that never ceases to fail

Karol PaczkowskiMarek Sawicki

Czwarty odcinek audycji Paznokciami po tablicy i druga część podsumowania minionego roku.

  • 1. Idea Fire Company - Is It Love // The Light That Never Ceases To Fail [Feeding Tube, 2019]
  • 2. DJ NABUCHODONOZOR - zAWIJASY // mUZA dO kICHANIA [glamour, 2019]
  • 3. Mosquitoes - VE // Vortex Veering Back to Venus [Feeding Tube]
  • 4. Amateur Hour - Jenny's Place // Framtiden tillhör inte oss [Happiest Place, 2019]
  • 5. Brannten Schnüre - Gespenster des Neubaugebiets // Erinnerungen an Gesichter [Low Company]
  • 6. Duster - Chocolate And Mint // Duster [Muddguts, 2019]
  • 7. Bill Callahan - Release // Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest [Drag City, 2019]
  • 8. Wojciech Rusin - Sacrifice // The Funnel [Akashic, 2019]
  • 9. A Handful Of Dust - Dialouges With the Dead 1 // Dragging Her Wings Of Rusty Knives: Selected Recordings 1994-2016 [Thin Wrist, 2019]
  • 10. Sean McCann - Puck // Puck [Recital, 2019]
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